Niro Sivanathan

An Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the London Business School, where he speaks, teaches and consults on topics of influence, negotiations and decision-making.

Niro Sivanathan writes, consults, teaches and is a much sought after keynote speaker and executive education trainer at company and industry conferences across the world covering topics such as Influence and Persuasion, Negotiation Strategies, Decision-Making, Leading Teams and Diversity/Inclusion.

Before joining the London Business School in 2008, he was a visiting assistant professor at the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University and a Lecturer at Kellogg School of Management, having won teaching awards at both institutions.

He holds the highest teaching ratings across faculty at all three institutions he has taught. He was voted the best teacher by the graduating class of MBA 2014. In 2016 he was awarded the Excellence in Teaching award by the London Business School – the highest teaching accolade awarded at the London Business School. Most recently, Poets and Quants chose him as one of the top “40 under 40” – a listing of the world’s top 40 business school professors under the age of 40.

Over the past years, Niro has consulted for, acted as an advisor for senior leaders and worked on executive programmes for companies such as His most recent clients include IBM, McDonald’s, A.T Kearney, Mars, Nestle, AXA, Vodafone, PwC, KPMG, Sanofi, Prudential, FOX International, Rabobank, World Economic Forum, Young President’s Organization, Entrepeneurs Organization, Cevian Capital, Nordea, Lufthansa,Roche, Mashreq Bank, Oman Oil, Orica & Deutsche Bank.  He regularly consults on negotiations, including contractnegotiations for players in the National Hockey League (NHL).

Niro Sivanathan’s internationally recognized and award winning research covers a range of topics including Power and Status, Decision‐making, Bargaining, Negotiations, Reputations and Competition.

His work has been presented at leading international conferences and published in the top international journals in the field of Science, Management and Psychology, such as: Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences, Nature: Human Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision ProcessesAdministrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied PsychologyPsychological Science.  He has also translated this rigorous work into global practitioner outlets such as the Harvard Business Review.

Niro obtained his PhD in Management & Organizations from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.  He holds a BA (Honours) and MSc in Management from Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

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  • Influence without Authority
  • Leading through Behavioural “Nudges”
  • Negotiations
  • Leading & Managing Change
  • Decision-Making
  • Leading Teams
  • Communicating with Impact
  • Unconscious Bias & Diversity/Inclusion
  • Leadership & Crisis Leadership
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