Why hire a business speaker?

Business speaker at a business event

Why hire a business speaker?

Hiring a business speaker is a strategic move to elevate your corporate event. These speakers bring a wealth of knowledge on crucial business topics and they can provide your team with actionable insights and fresh perspectives. Whether for a conference, seminar, or company meeting, a business speaker can significantly enhance the impact and value of your event. Learn more about the benefits of hiring business speakers for your company or event in our blog.

What is a business speakers

A business speaker is an individual with expertise in various aspects of business, such as management, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, and strategy. They are professionals, consultants, or academics who possess in-depth knowledge and experience in their respective fields. Business speakers deliver presentations, workshops, or keynote addresses at corporate events, conferences, seminars, and workshops. They aim to share insights, best practices, and strategies to help organizations improve their performance, motivate employees, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

What topics do business speakers typically cover?

Business speakers cover a wide range of topics, including leadership development, motivation, organizational culture, team building, innovation, digital transformation, customer experience, and more. Successful speakers for business provide practical advice and actionable takeaways by using storytelling, real-world examples, and interactive techniques to captivate their audiences and make complex concepts more accessible.

Overall, motivational business speakers play a crucial role in inspiring, educating, and motivating professionals to drive positive change and tangible success within their organizations.

Explore these inspirational business and motivational speakers for future corporate engagements:

Diane Chadwick-Jones

Diane Chadwick-Jones

Former Director of Human Performance at BP, Diane Chadwick-Jones is a renowned business and motivational speaker. She excels in transforming safety culture and enhancing human performance, driving significant improvements in workplace safety and operational effectiveness.
Shazam founder and keynote speaker Chris Barton

Chris Barton

An acclaimed business speaker, Chris Barton boasts an impressive resume as the inventor of Shazam, founder of the drowning detection system Guard, a former member of Google’s Android Partnerships team, and an early contributor to Dropbox. His journey of overcoming obstacles to create transformative technologies inspires audiences to imagine the unimaginable and achieve their goals.
keynote speaker Silvia Garcia

Silvia Garcia

Former director at Coca-Cola’s Marketing and Happiness Institute, Silvia Garcia is a leading motivational business speaker. Specializing in positive leadership and happiness at work, she guides organizations towards greater success and satisfaction with her expertise in emotional marketing and leadership.

Jeff Furman

President of the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation and B.O.D Emeritus, Jeff Furman is an inspirational business speaker. He champions social change through business, focusing on democracy, voting rights, and social justice. As President of Social Ventures and a co-founder of the Community Dispute Resolution Center, he actively works to eliminate race and socio-economic barriers in education. Jeff’s global speaking engagements inspire audiences to leverage business for impactful social change.
Marc Randolph keynote speaker

Marc Randolph

Marc Randolph is an American tech entrepreneur, advisor, keynote speaker, and mentor to early-stage entrepreneurs. As co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix, he laid much of the groundwork for a service that fundamentally altered how the world experiences media. He speaks primarily on the topics of innovation, disruption, entrepreneurship, and corporate culture – inspiring his audience to think differently, as well as leaving them with actionable strategies to do so.

Aidan McCullen

Aidan McCullen is the host and founder of the Innovation Show, broadcast globally and on national radio stations in Ireland and Finland. Recently Aidan has been supporting global organisations with his Digital Safari. This immersive, three- to five-day global technology tour is designed to help participants break out of their routines and think disruptively. By exposing attendees to leading-edge digital applications and best practices in disruptive thinking, Digital Safari provides a curated view of the innovation technology landscape. 

Book your business speaker with Speaker Ideas

Book your business speaker with Speaker Ideas today and bring unparalleled expertise to your audience. Our keynote speakers are seasoned professionals who can deliver insights on various business topics, from leadership and innovation to market trends and strategic growth. Tailored to your company’s unique needs and goals, our speakers provide the motivation and knowledge necessary to drive success. Whether you need to inspire your team, engage stakeholders, or lead a conference, we have the perfect business speaker to elevate your event.

Frequently asked questions

Motivational speakers share relatable stories, provide practical insights and foster a positive culture to inspire business professionals. 
Through their use of personal anecdotes, practical strategies, and energy, motivational speakers inspire employees to overcome challenges, see the value of teamwork and strive for excellence. 
Motivational speakers can boost morale, enhance resilience, foster a positive culture, encourage innovation, collaboration and promote personal growth among employees. They challenge professionals to think creatively, embrace new ideas, and step out of their comfort zones, leading to enhanced problem-solving and innovation.