Sustainability speakers

Leading voices: 6 sustainability speakers for your event

Speakers on sustainability are visionary leaders and experts who champion environmental stewardship, social responsibility and economic viability in various contexts. With a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between human activities and the health of our planet, these motivational speakers inspire audiences to embrace sustainable practices and create positive change. Let us introduce you to some of the sustainability speakers we work with.

Speakers on sustainability

Armed with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience, a sustainability speaker delves into a wide range of topics, including renewable energy, conservation, climate change mitigation, sustainable agriculture, circular economy principles and ethical business practices. They explore the importance of balancing environmental protection with economic growth and social equity, emphasizing the need for long-term thinking.

They highlight real-world examples of successful sustainability initiatives and showcase the transformative impact of collective action.

Whether addressing corporate audiences, academic institutions, or community gatherings, the following inspirational business speakers spark conversations, challenge conventional thinking and ignite a passion for building a more sustainable world:

Paul Polman

Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and a prominent sustainability speaker, is renowned for integrating sustainable practices into core business strategies, proving that economic viability can coexist with environmental stewardship. As a visionary motivational speaker, he inspires audiences by illustrating how businesses can thrive by prioritizing long-term value over short-term gains, addressing global challenges like climate change and inequality. His transformative leadership and commitment to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals make him an exemplary environmental speaker, driving forward-thinking discussions in sustainability across corporate and academic platforms.
keynote speaker Gonzalo Muñoz

Gonzalo Muñoz

Gonzalo Muñoz, a High-Level United Nations Climate Change Champion for COP25 and a leading sustainability speaker, has been pivotal in advancing global sustainability initiatives such as the Race To Zero and Race To Resilience campaigns. He’s a trailblazer in the Latin American circular economy and recycling sectors, and a multitude of socially responsible organizations like Sistema B and Manuia. Gonzalo exemplifies how innovative business models can foster environmental stewardship. His engaging style as a motivational speaker inspires diverse audiences to drive urgent action towards sustainable development and resilience, making him a sought-after environmental speaker.
Clover Hogan

Clover Hogan

Clover Hogan is a dynamic sustainability speaker and a fierce advocate for environmental action. As the founding Executive Director of Force of Nature, she has transformed climate anxiety into proactive change. Known for her compelling TED talk viewed over 2 million times, Clover excels as a motivational speaker, engaging with Fortune 50 companies and influencing global policies. Her proactive approach and unique insights make her an influential environmental speaker, driving the younger generation to champion sustainability and make a tangible impact on our planet.
Fionn Ferreira

Fionn Ferreira

Fionn Ferreira is an influential sustainability speaker and advocate, dedicated to removing microplastics from water and fostering a circular economy. As a scientist and inventor, Fionn has developed innovative, cost-effective methods for microplastic extraction, earning global recognition, including the Google Science Fair 2019 Global Grand Prize. His engaging presentations at prominent venues like the World Economic Forum highlight his commitment as an environmental speaker, inspiring actionable change in tackling plastic pollution and enhancing environmental stewardship.

Maayke-Aimee Damen

Maayke-Aimée Damen is a distinguished sustainability speaker and a trailblazer in the circular economy. As the founder of the Excess Materials Exchange, she revolutionizes how businesses manage resources by promoting reuse and minimizing waste, embodying the principles of a sustainable circular economy. An acclaimed motivational speaker, Maayke influences global policy and industry through her initiatives like the Resources Passport, integrating innovative sustainability practices into European frameworks. Her dynamic presentations inspire actionable change, making her a powerful environmental speaker dedicated to advancing a regenerative future.

John Thackara

John Thackara is an influential sustainability speaker renowned for his ability to weave compelling narratives around practical community actions towards a sustainable future. With over three decades of global insights, John has earned a reputation as a motivational speaker and visionary in the design and sustainability realms. His work, including his best-selling books and roles in leading design biennials, showcases his commitment as an environmental speaker to fostering actionable change. His dynamic presentations inspire institutions and audiences worldwide to embrace innovative and sustainable practices.

Book your sustainability speaker with Speaker Ideas

By fostering awareness, inspiring innovation, and catalyzing meaningful change, environmental speakers play a vital role in shaping a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come. Book your sustainability speaker with Speaker Ideas today and ignite inspiration within your audience. Our sustainability speakers ensure that you find the perfect match tailored to your company’s unique needs and goals.

Frequently asked questions

A sustainability speaker is a visionary leader who champions environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability. They possess a deep understanding of how human activities impact the health of our planet and inspire audiences to adopt sustainable practices. These speakers cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to renewable energy, conservation, climate change mitigation, sustainable agriculture and circular economy principles. By balancing environmental protection with economic growth and social equity, sustainability speakers encourage long-term, sustainable thinking and showcase real-world examples of successful sustainability initiatives.
Inviting speakers on sustainability to your event brings expert insights and inspiring stories that can ignite passion and drive actionable change among your audience. These environmental speakers are equipped to address various groups, from corporate leaders and academic institutions to community gatherings. By challenging conventional thinking and sparking meaningful conversations, inspirational business speakers like Paul Polman, Gonzalo Muñoz, and Clover Hogan can transform your event into a catalyst for building a more sustainable world.
Environmental speakers play a crucial role in transforming business practices by emphasizing the importance of integrating sustainability into core business strategies. Inspirational business speakers like the ones we outlined above advocate for a shift towards value creation that serves all stakeholders, not just shareholders. By highlighting leadership and collaborative efforts to tackle global challenges such as climate change and inequality, these speakers inspire businesses to adopt more sustainable, ethical and economically viable practices.
A good motivational speaker on sustainability combines deep knowledge of environmental issues with the ability to engage and inspire their audience. They should bring practical solutions and innovative ideas that encourage individuals and organizations to take action. Effective motivational speakers on sustainability are storytellers who can connect personal and global narratives, making the need for change both urgent and achievable. They should also be able to showcase the transformative impacts of collective action and inspire hope for a sustainable future.